Peculiarities of The Students’ Conceptual Structures and Basic Beliefs Correlation




Conceptual structures, basic beliefs, correlations classification


The research is basically aimed at studying the students’ conceptual structure and basic beliefs being formed and correlated as well as at their classifying in accordance with the level of integration and coherence. The students’ conceptual structures and basic beliefs are analyzed in the article; special attention is paid to semantic, categoric and conceptual abilities coherence (homogeneity) and formedness. If speaking about methodology of the research, it includes theoretical and empirical methods. Theoretical, cluster and factor analyses as well as the Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test allowed us to define 5 clusters (groups) with low, medium-low, mean (average), high and extraordinary indices of the students’ conceptual structure and basic beliefs formedness. These clusters significantly differ at levels from p≤0.01 to p≤0.05. The students’ conceptual structure and basic beliefs correlations form the level systems classification characterized by different coherence of these levels. It is sufficient to conclude that different basic beliefs are the core of the students’ subjective inner world and are correlated with these beliefs conceptual structures specificity. The attained results prove the phenomenon of the intellectual resource “splitting”: the intellectual resource can split into productive and non-productive components in case of high-level intelligence, i.e. if the intelligence level is too high the intellectual resource and its basic components can be insufficiently formed and/or poorly developed.


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How to Cite

Kibalchenko, I., Tatiana, E., & Klavdia, C. (2021). Peculiarities of The Students’ Conceptual Structures and Basic Beliefs Correlation . International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 9(1), 37–50.



Received 2021-01-28
Accepted 2021-03-26
Published 2021-04-20