Personality Traits, Approval Motivation, and Empathy as Predictors of Cognitive Regulation of Emotions and Behavioral Self-Control in Codependent Women
codependency, codependent women, codependent behavior, personality traits, approval motivation, empathy, cognitive regulation of emotions, behavioral self-controlAbstract
This study examined psychological characteristics and behavioral regulation in codependent women. The study aimed to identify personality traits, approval motivation, and empathy levels as predictors of behavioral regulation in codependent women. A total of 102 women (mean age 30.39 years) in relationships or related to alcohol, drug, or non-chemical addicts participated. Psychological testing and survey were used to assess codependence, aggression, empathy, need for approval, cognitive regulation of emotions, and self-regulation strategies: codependency Self-Inventory scale (CSIS; B. Weinhold, J. Weinhold); questionnaire “Auto- and Aggression to others” (E.P. Ilyin); method “Diagnosis of the level of empathy” (V. V. Boyko); Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale (adapted by Yu.L.Khanin); The questionnaire of cognitive regulation of emotions (Rasskazova E.I., Leonova A.B., Pluzhnikov I.V.) and the questionnaire “Style of self-regulation of behavior” (Morosanova V.I.). Results suggest that personal characteristics, approval motivation, and empathy can predict the severity of codependence, manifestation of aggressiveness, self-regulation strategies, and cognitive regulation strategies in codependent women.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Anastasia Kolenova, Ekaterina Denisova, Anna Kukulyar, Pavel Ermakov

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-07-25
Published 2023-08-31