Designing a Multimodal Environment for Cognitive and Creative Activity in Pre-School Education – Competence of the Teacher




pedagogical competence, transgressive behavior, multimodal educational environment, cognitive and creative activity of the child in pre-school age


This article focuses on the formation of pedagogical competence for the design of multimodal educational environment, the functionality of which is the foundation of the cognitive and creative activity of the child in pre-school age. It problematizes the need for adequate professional reflection of the teacher in the context of the transgressive approach and highlights the parameters of organizing pedagogical interactions that utilize multimodality as a communication phenomenon. The understanding that the competence of the teacher for designing a multimodal environment as well as cognitive and creative activities develops as transgressive and is continuously created in the cultivation of new knowledge and skills, while expanding the cognitive and practical limits of the subject, is affirmed. Based on this affirmation, the thesis that if a child has entered the “communicative state” and has engaged in multimodal educational interactions, the child appropriates the social experience by forming a transgressive attitude of behavioral response.


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How to Cite

Dermendjieva, S. H., & Tsankov, N. (2023). Designing a Multimodal Environment for Cognitive and Creative Activity in Pre-School Education – Competence of the Teacher. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 11(2), 351–358.



Received 2023-05-22
Accepted 2023-08-03
Published 2023-08-31

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