Professionalization of The Principal’s Role




professionalization, principals, preschool institutions, professional competences, structural modelling


The aim of this work is to point out the importance of the professionalization of the principal’s role in education institutions, with an accent on preschool institutions. The sample included principals (N=57) of preschool institutions in Central Croatia. The goal was to test the mediation relationship through SEM and examine the direct influence of interpersonal relationships within the preschool institution on the development of its work quality; furthermore, to test the indirect influence of these relationships by introducing the mediation variable of professional competence. The structured modelling in the AMOS was applied for testing the direct and indirect influence. The contribution of interpersonal relationships on the work quality is high and statistically significant (β=0,920), which confirms the direct influence. For testing the mediation effects, a bootstrapping method was designed that confirmed the indirect influence of interpersonal relationships on the work quality with the statistically significant serial mediator of professional competence (p= 0,016), thereby confirming partial mediation. This research determined that positive interpersonal relations, mediated by the principal’s professional competence, have a positive effect on the work quality of a preschool institution. In order for preschool institutions to reach the desired quality, it is necessary for them to be managed by professionally empowered and expert principals who promote prime cooperative relationships as the starting point in developing a high-quality institution. The results of this research contribute to a clearer perception and understanding of the professionalization of the principal’s role through key areas of his/her work and activity, and the possibility of their practical implementation into education institutions.


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How to Cite

Kokanović, T., & Opić, S. (2021). Professionalization of The Principal’s Role. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 9(2), 241–252.



Received 2021-04-17
Accepted 2021-05-10
Published 2021-08-31