
  • Dejan Milenković Faculty of Sport, University of „Union-Nikola Tesla“, Belgrade
  • Igor Stanojević College of professionals studies educators, Aleksinac


Physical education, Teaching process, Motoric abilities, Specific motoric basketball skills, Students


The aim of this study was to determine the relation between motoric and specific motoric basketball skills in physical education classes for elementary school students. The sample was taken from a population of boys and girls in four elementary schools in Niš. Boys (66) and girls (58), have been students of elementary school, 10 years old and all of them have been attending regular physical education classes three times a week. For the assessment of motoric abilities, a set of 12 motoric tests was applied: Explosive strength: squat jump, squat jump arms swing and drop jump; Speed: 20m running from a low start, orbiting hand and orbiting leg; Coordination: jumping over the horizontal rope, envelope test and figure „8“ with bending; Accuracy: darts, shooting with the ball at horizontal target and stiletto. For the assessment of specific motoric basketball skills a set of six tests was applied: elevations precision of ball passing with two hands, horizontal precision of ball passing with two hands, orbiting ball around the body, orbiting ball through the legs (figure „8“), dribble around a central circle of the basketball court and dribble two „small eights” around two adjacent circles of basketball court. In data processing canonical correlation and regression analysis were used. The results showed that motoric abilities significantly contributed to success of specific motoric tests performance both with boys and also with girls.


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How to Cite

Milenković, D., & Stanojević, I. (2014). RELATIONS BETWEEN MOTORIC ABILITIES AND SPECIFIC MOTORIC BASKETBALL SKILLS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 2(1), 19–24. Retrieved from



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