forms of movement, elementary games, physical education, speed, strengthAbstract
A sample of 60 respondents was drawn from the population of students of the third grade of primary school in Nis, aged nine ± 6 months, male, who attend regular physical education classes. Subsample of 30 respondents worked on speed and strength development through elementary games at additional physical education classes (experimental group), while the control group had only regular physical education classes defined by primary school curriculum. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of work on speed and strength development within the framework of extra physical education classes in the third grade. Tests for the assessment of speed implied six tests: running at 20, 40 and 60 meters, hand tapping, foot tapping and feet tapping on the wall; tests for the assessment of strength implied five tests: push-ups, back lifting, squats, trunk lifting on Swedish bench and trunk lifting for 30 seconds. For determining the effects multivariate analysis of covariance was applied. The results indicated statistically significant effect of the work on the experimental group in both motor dimensions.
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