
  • Ali Nouri Department of Educational Studies, Malayer University


Neuroeducational Studies, Interdisciplinary Collaboration, Neuroscience, Psychology, Cognitive Science, Education


The need to overcome artificial obstructions and limitations in our scientific understanding of the complexity of educational issues is the major driver of interdisciplinary collaboration in the field of Neuroeducational Studies. To get full advantage of interdisciplinary collaboration therefore, it would be necessary to identify and develop a number of practical strategies that facilitate such endeavor. The relevance literature suggests that making effective interdisciplinary collaboration in the field is dependent on a number of factors, including: creating a common language and conceptual vocabulary; developing graduate educational programs; providing training programs for neuroscientists and educators; and developing neuroeducational research organizations. It is concluded that, interdisciplinary collaboration is a potential key that ensures a more prosperous future for the field and it will be best realized based on authentic dialogue among scientists and educators.


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How to Cite

Nouri, A. (2013). PRACTICAL STRATEGIES FOR ENHANCING INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION IN NEUROEDUCATIONAL STUDIES. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 1(2), 94–100. Retrieved from

