The Evaluation of Primary School Teacher Role on Research Activities


  • Akhatayeva Ulsana Borashkyzy Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Department of Pedagogy and Methods of primary education, KazNPU named after Abai, Dostyk аve., Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Amirova Amina Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Department of Pedagogy and Methods of primary education, KazNPU named after Abai, Dostyk аve., Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Sydykova Zukhra Eshtayevna Chair of Pedagogy, Faculty of Economics and Pedagogy, International Humanitarian and Technical University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
  • Karabayeva Kulzariya Userkhanovna Chair of History of Kazakhstan and Law Faculty of Economics and pedagogy, International Humanitarian and Technical University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
  • Dauletaliyeva Dinara Myktybaevna Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, University named after academician A.Kuatbekov, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
  • Bulshekbayeva Assem Issaevna Department of preschool education and social pedagogy, KazNPU named after Abai, Dostyk аve., Almaty, Kazakhstan



cognitive research, collective design, research activities, research algorithm, research-based learning, self-reflective research


Many primary education programs, including the updated educational program in Kazakhstan, involve the creation and implementation of thematic units to prepare younger students for research activities. This approach is reflected in the integrated method of teaching and learning in primary classes. However, in cases where the research-based pedagogical approach is not used, it has become an urgent problem because it cannot meet the interest of students. Therefore, this article intends to study theoretical works on the preparation of primary school students for research, conduct experimental work on a small experimental site, and consider specific results. In theoretical terms, such works as content analysis, synthesis, generalization, survey, and diagnostics were organized. Analyzing the experimental work on the stages of identification and formation. Based on methodological materials to prepare students for research, we offer percentages.


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How to Cite

Borashkyzy, A. U., Amina, A. ., Eshtayevna, S. Z. ., Userkhanovna, K. K. ., Myktybaevna, D. D. ., & Issaevna, B. A. . (2020). The Evaluation of Primary School Teacher Role on Research Activities. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 8(3), 29–38.



Received 2020-10-27
Accepted 2020-11-25
Published 2020-12-20