Ethical Aspects of Science and Technological Innovations
Science, technological development, ethics, sustainable developmentAbstract
The progress of civilization depends on both science and ethics, on two different ideas. Unlike ethics, which deals with moral principles and ideals that guide human behavior, science is based on logical argumentation, empirical data, and methodical testing. However, as science develops, it often raises ethical questions that must be addressed. As a result, science and ethics are intertwined and both are essential for the moral and long-term advancement of science. This research examines the results of two interconnected processes: the quick development of science and technology and its moral ramifications, or the harm it does to people’s lives all around the world. The writers highlight the need for a qualitative shift in attitudes toward nature and society as a whole in order to address environmental challenges and remove the threat of a global ecological disaster by analyzing the substance and impact of these processes.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Dejan Dašić, Gruja Kostadinović, Milan Stanković

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-07-26
Published 2023-08-31